Projections of planes  pdf

  1. 1) A square plate of side 60 mm is held on a corner on HP with a diagonal horizontal and inclined at 450 to VP. The plate is seen as a rhomb in a plane with other diagonal measure 30 mm. Draw the project of plate and determine the angle it make with HP. plane Stride 1: A foursquare plate of side lx mm is held on a corner on HP with a diagonal and inclined at 450 to VP. Assume plate is simply kept on HP. 1 corner is in HP, so draw first TV (Square with ane corner at right side.)Describe FV.

    Step II: The plate is seen equally a rhomb in a aeroplane with other diagonal measure 30 mm. Draw TV such that diagonal 1-3= 30 mm. Describe vertical projector through each point. Take distance in compass equal to FV (1-iii) and reproduce FV, such that betoken ane is on XY line. Measure out inclination with HP.

    Step III: A foursquare plate with a diagonal horizontal and inclined at 450 to VP. Draw a line inclined at an angle of 450. Mark diagonal (4-2) distance and reproduce Television receiver from step 2. Draw vertical projectors. Draw horizontal projectors through each indicate in FV of step II. Describe final F.V.

  2. A   300-threescore0  ready square has its shortest side 50 mm long and is in the HP. The TV of the setsquare is an isosceles triangle and the hypotenuse of the prepare square is inclined at an angle of xl0 with the VP. Draw the projections of the setsquare and detect its inclination with the HP.


Initial position: 1) Plane is resting in HP: –

True shape will appear in HP. Draw first Telly

ii) Resting on shortest border :-

Draw border ab vertical at left side.

3) Depict FV

Inclination with HP:- 1) The Television receiver of the setsquare is an isosceles triangle. Describe isosceles triangle in Goggle box (ab=air-conditioning=50) using horizontal projectors from initial position.

ii) Draw vertical projectors to describe FV.

3) Draw FV. (a,b-c = a,b-c)

Inclination with VP:- 1) the hypotenuse of the set square is inclined at an bending of 400 with the VP.  Draw line making an angle forty0 with VP. Marking hypotenuse cb and reproduce TV from second position. 2) Draw final FV by using vertical and horizontal projectors.

two. A semicircular plate at has the 80 mm bore straight border in VP and inclined at 450 to HP. The surface of plate makes an angle of 300 to VP. Draw its projection.


Initial Position: i) A semicircular plate has a straight edge in VP. True shape volition appear in FV. Describe semicircle in FV. Straight edge should be vertical as it is in VP. Second position: ane) Surface makes an angle of 300 to VP. Draw TV according to this inclination. 2) Depict FV past using vertical and horizontal projectors. Final position: i) Straight edge makes an angle of 450 to HP. Depict a line 450  to XY line, mark straight border (bc) and reproduce FV from FV in 2nd position.

ii) Draw TV past using vertical and horizontal projectors

3) A regular pentagon 'abcde' with all sides twoscore mm has side ab in FRP and at 300 to HRP with corner 'a' xl mm above HRP. Complete its project if'd' is 25 mm in front of FRP. Determine its inclination with FRP.


1. As one side of pentagon is in FRP, assume information technology is simply kept in FRP. True shape will appear in FRP i.due east. FV. Draw pentagon in FRP with 1 side vertical.(F.V.) Corner 'a' should be 40 mm above H.R.P. in all steps in F.V.

2. Depict T.V.

1. In second step reproduce T.V. such that'd' is 25 mm in front of FRP.(considering corner 'd' is 25 mm in front of F.R.P.)

2. Describe F.5. by using vertical and horizontal projectors.

1. In third step, draw F.V. such that side ab is making xxx0  to xy line (edge ab is making an angle 300 to HRP)

2. Draw Idiot box past using vertical and horizontal projectors.

iv) A rectangular plate xl×80 mm rests on one of its smaller side on FRP. Its front end view appears like a square with all sides 40 mm. Complete the projections of the plate if 1 of its diagonals is parallel to HP. Determine the inclination of the plate with FRP.


ane. A rectangular plate rests on i of its smaller side on FRP. Assume plate is kept in FRP and describe true shape of plate in FV. Draw one smaller side vertical.

ii. Describe TV. by using vertical and horizontal projectors.

one. FV appears like a square. Draw foursquare in FV,

2. Reproduce TV by using vertical projectors.

3.  is inclination with FRP.

1 diagonal is parallel to HP.

1. Reproduce FV such that diagonal bd is parallel to HP.

2. Draw TV by using vertical and horizontal projectors.

5) Triangle 'abc' carries ab=55, bc=65 and ca=50mm. 'ab' lies in HRP and point 'a' is 15 mm in front end of FRP. Distance between projectors of a and b is 45 mm. Complete the projections if bespeak c is 45 mm above HRP.


1. Side 'ab' of triangle 'abc' lies in HRP. Point 'a' is xv mm in front of FRP. Presume triangle simply kept in HP. True shape will announced in Television. Depict TV such that side ab is vertical and bespeak 'a' is 15 mm in front of FRP.

ii. Draw FV.

i. Point c is 45 mm in a higher place HRP. Reproduce FV such that c is 45 mm above HP.

2. Draw TV using vertical and horizontal projectors.

is inclination with HP.

1. Distance betwixt projectors of a and b is 45 mm.

Draw ii projectors at distance 45 mm from each other. Reproduce Tv set.

ii. Depict FV by using vertical and horizontal projectors.

half dozen) A thin plate has a rhomb shape with its diagonals of 50 mm and lxxx mm length. It rests on one of its corners on HP., with a shorter diagonal to be perpendicular to VP and parallel to HP. The longer diagonal is inclined to HP in such a style that the meridian view of plate looks likes a foursquare. Draw FV, TV and LHSV and measure the inclination with HP.


A thin plate has a rhombus rests on 1 of its corners on HP., with a shorter diagonal to be perpendicular to VP and parallel to HP.

1. Draw TV(diagonal 'bd' perpendicular to VP)

two. Draw FV

The longer diagonal is inclined to HP in such a manner that the elevation view of plate looks likes a square.

1. Draw TV such that information technology is square. (bd=air-conditioning)

ii. Depict FV using vertical and horizontal projectors.

is inclination with HP.


Draw SV